APEWS E-180023 - New IP Address Range being blocked
(too old to reply)
Mark Rawson
2009-10-27 22:48:50 UTC

We have recently been allocated a new range of IP addresses by APNIC -

We have some email servers that have just been re-allocated addresses
within this range and are now getting bounced, the bounce message
refers us to APEWS and the test results says:

Entry matching your query: E-180023

CASE: C-131
Unallocated, dynamic or generally named IP space

Special Reason:
No traffic until allocated

Entry created 2007-05-28

How do we go about getting this range of addresses taken out of the
APEWS database?


Mark Rawson
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2009-10-28 21:39:36 UTC
Post by Mark Rawson
We have recently been allocated a new range of IP
addresses by APNIC -
We have some email servers that have just been
re-allocated addresses within this range and are now
getting bounced, the bounce message refers us to APEWS
Entry matching your query: E-180023
CASE: C-131
Unallocated, dynamic or generally named IP space
No traffic until allocated
Entry created 2007-05-28
How do we go about getting this range of addresses taken
out of the APEWS database?
Wait until (if) APEWS notices?

If that doesn't appear to happen as soon as you wish it would,
I'd forget about it.
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are solely the responsibility of their author. Please
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