On Nov 5, 8:53 am, "Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz"
Post by Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz11/04/2009
None that I'm aware of, but obviously something go through. Turned up
logging and trying to catch it. The problem is that I'm acting
responsibly - trying to fix the issue - and there's no way to remove my
servers from this RBL. I just have to wait for 4 weeks, which is a
really long time. There should be some mechanism for removal other than
posting to this forum.
Posting in this news group is *not* a removal mechanism, just a way to
1. Fix the problem.
2. Only *after* step 1., wait for timeout or pay for expedited
This RBL is really punishing legitimate companies
No, it's protecting legitimate companies from e-mail servers that are not
properly administered. Its only responsibility to those listed is to be
and not providing any method for removal
See above.
which I think is unfair.
Google for "natural consequences"; it's perfectly fair.
Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, truly insane Spews puppet
I reserve the right to publicly post or ridicule any abusive
E-mail. Reply to domain Patriot dot net user shmuel+news to contact
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are solely the responsibility of their author. Please
read the news.admin.net-abuse.blocklisting FAQ at
http://www.blocklisting.com/faq.htmlbefore posting.
Thank you for the long reply, though I don't agree with some of your
I do agree and acknowledge that this forum is not a de-listing
mechanism and have not asked to be de-listed. Though I have, and
continue, to request that the administrators of this list include SOME
de-listing mechanism for legitimate senders who are trying to correct
their configurations. Leaving legitimate senders on your list is an
unnecessary punshiment and only works to lower the effectiveness of
the RBL - by blocking legitimate senders from communicating. "Natural
consequences" I understand, but e-mail administration is more
complicated than 1+1=2, so you shouldn't blanket assume that servers
that backscatter *once* are automatically bad.
That said, I'm running Microsoft Exchange 2007 and the mechanism to
configure the server to *not* backscatter includes installing their
"anti-spam" compontnest on the HUB or EDGE server. Once installed, an
admin can enable "Recipient Filtering" where mail sent to users not
listed in the GAL is rejected *during the SMTP conversation* with a
550 error. Mail is *not* accepted and then later returned as
underliverable - also called an asyncrhonous NDR... or backscatter.
So, I have my server configured properly, but there are other "entry
points" into this environment as it is a rather large and complicated
one. We have logging enabled on outbound traffic and I can see the
message that caused us to be listed. However, we have not yet
determined where where the message came from. Perhaps it came from a
user's machine that was infected with a virus... we're not entirely
Again, e-mail administration is not always simple and environments
should be allowed to be delisted if an honest effort is made to stop
backscatter. Or perhaps change the listing criteria to only add
servers to the list if they backscatter more than X times in a given
month - this would allow some leeway for exceptions or possibly
infected workstations (which, in the case of this organization, are
out of our physical control).
Comments posted to news.admin.net-abuse.blocklisting
are solely the responsibility of their author. Please
read the news.admin.net-abuse.blocklisting FAQ at
http://www.blocklisting.com/faq.html before posting.